THE NEXT AUCTION - 02 March 2025
Auctions on this site will take place sundays 19.00 CET. The precise time for the sale is normally set a few days prior to the auction. Read more information in the page: "News" Unfortunately WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY CREDITCARDS. But we do have a US bankaccount.
Select a category: | Art (49)
| Clocks & watches (623)
| Coins & notes, Africa (194)
| Coins & notes, Central America (101)
| Coins & notes, Finland (33)
| Coins & notes, Germany. (471)
| Coins & notes, Greenland. (26)
| Coins & notes, Iceland (19)
| Coins & notes, Middle East. (121)
| Coins & notes, mixed lot
| Coins & notes, Norway. (143)
| Coins & notes, Notes (342)
| Coins & notes, Oceania. (229)
| Coins & notes, Other Europe. (3)
| Coins & notes, Other European (1079)
| Coins & notes, Russia. (85)
| Coins & notes, Sout America. (93)
| Coins & notes, Sweden. (218)
| Coins & notes, UK. (193)
| Coins & notes, USA. (475)
| Coins ancient (94)
| Collectors items (153)
| Danish banknotes (174)
| Danish coins after 1873 (784)
| Danish coins before 1873 (365)
| Danish coinsets (65)
| Danish medals (310)
| Danish notgeld (6)
| Danish orders (2)
| Danish private coins (9)
| Danish Tranquebar
| Danish West Indies (25)
| Design & Decorative items (67)
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| Gold- & silverbars (62)
| Jewellery (1243)
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| negative interest fear investment (23)
| Olympic Games items (1)
| Order and decorations (22)
| Oriental art (24)
| Paintings (15)
| Persian rugs
| Porcelain (405)
| Porcelain figurines (416)
| Safebox (8)
| Silver flatware
| Silver holloware
| Stamps (118)
| Various (21)
| Various (12)
| Viking age (6)
| Wanted (25)
| Warning (48)
| watchparts/accessories (47)
| We buy (12)
| What is this? (6)
| Wine & spirit (5)